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      • 姓名: 荊林海
      • 性別: 男
      • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
      • 職務(wù): 
      • 學(xué)歷: 
      • 電話(huà): 010-82178106
      • 傳真: 
      • 電子郵件: jinglh@radi.ac.cn
      • 通訊地址: 北京市海淀區鄧莊南路9號中科院遙感與數字地球研究所
        簡(jiǎn)  歷:
      • 教育背景:

        1.2002-2008,加拿大約克大學(xué)地球、空間科學(xué)與工程系,地理空間信息與遙感博士,導師:Qiuming Cheng教授;




        1.2009-2011,加拿大約克大學(xué)地球、空間科學(xué)與工程系Geomatica實(shí)驗室博士后, 合作導師: Baoxin Hu教授;

        2.2008-2009,加拿大約克大學(xué)地球、空間科學(xué)與工程系Center for Research in Earth and Space Science實(shí)驗室博士后,合作導師: Qiuming Cheng教授;



        社會(huì )任職:
      • 高分辨率遙感圖像處理,遙感地質(zhì)?

      • 1.國家科技支撐計劃專(zhuān)題:遙感示礦信息提取技術(shù)與找礦遠景研究,2015.4-2017.12.


      • 1.SCI文章

        [1].Li, H., Jing, L., and Tang, Y., Assessment of pansharpening methods applied to WorldView-2 imagery fusion, Sensors, 2017, 17(1): 89, doi:10.3390/s17010089.

        [2].Tang, Y. , Jing, L. , Liu, Q., Li, H., Yan, Q., and Li, X., Bamboo classification using WorldView-2 imagery of giant panda habitat in Wolong, Sichuan Province, China. Sensors, 2016, 16(11): 1957.

        [3].Tang, Y., Jing, L., Atkinson, P. M., and Li, H., A multiple-point spatially weighted k-NN classifier for remote sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2016, 37(18): 4441-4459.

        [4].Tang Y., Jing L., Atkinson P.M., and Li, H., A multiple-point spatially weighted k-NN method for object-based classification. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2016, 52: 263-274.

        [5].Li, H., Jing, L., Wang, L., and Cheng, Q., Improved pansharpening with un-mixing of mixed MS sub-pixels near boundaries between vegetation and non-vegetation objects, Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(83): 1-24.

        [6].Li, H., Jing, L., Sun, Z., Li, J., and Tang, Y., A novel image-fusion method based on the un-mixing of mixed MS sub-pixels regarding high-resolution DSM, International Journal of Digital Earth, 2016, 9(6): 606-628.

        [7].Ding, H., Ma, D., Lin, Q., and Jing, L., Age and nature of Cryogenian diamictites at Aksu, NW China: Implications for Sturtian tectonics and climate, International Geology Review, 2015, 57(16):2044-2064.

        [8].Ding, H., Ma, D., Yao, C., Lin, Q., and Jing, L., Implication of the chemical index of alteration as a paleoclimatic perturbation indicator: An example from the lower Neoproterozoic strata of Aksu, Xinjiang, NW China, Geosciences Journal, 2016, 20(1): 13-26.

        [9].Tang, Y., Zhang, J., L. Jing, and Li, H., 2015, Digital elevation data conflation using multiple-point geostatistics, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(1): 4922-4934.

        [10].F. Chen, H. Guo, N. Ishwaran, W. Zhou, R. Yang, L. Jing, F. Chen, H. Zeng, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry for assessing Wenchuan Earthquake (2008) deforestation in the Sichuan Giant Panda World Heritage site, Remote Sensing,2014, 6(7), 6283-6299.

        [11].B. Hu, J. Li, L. Jing, A. Judah,2014. Improving the efficiency and accuracy of individual tree crown delineation from high-density LiDAR data, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 01(26):145–155.

        [12].劉慶杰,荊林海,李新武等, 2013. 一種基于紅外光譜免疫計算的礦物組分定量提取方法, 光譜學(xué)與光譜分析, 33(04): 954-958.

        [13].劉慶杰,荊林海,王夢(mèng)飛等, 2013. 基于克隆選擇支持向量機高光譜遙感影像分類(lèi)技術(shù),光譜學(xué)與光譜分析, 33(03): 746-751.

        [14].Jing, L., Hu, B., Li, J., and Noland, T., 2012, Automated delineation of individual tree crowns from LiDAR data by multi-scale analysis and segmentation. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 78(12), 1275-1284.

        [15].Jing, L., Hu, B., Noland, T., and Li, J., 2012, An individual tree crown delineation method based on multi-scale segmentation of imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 70, 88-98.

        [16].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., Guo, H., Lin, Q, 2012, Image misalignment caused by decimation in image fusion evaluation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(16), 4969-4981.

        [17].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2012, An image fusion method based on object-oriented classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(8), 2434-2450.

        [18].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2011, An image fusion method for misaligned Panchromatic and multispectral data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(4), 1125-1137.

        [19].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2011, An image fusion method taking into account phenological analogies and haze. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(6), 1675-1694.

        [20].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2011, Spectral change directions of multispectral subpixels in image fusion. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32 (6), 1695-1711.

        [21].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2010, A technique based on non-linear transform and multivariate analysis to merge thermal infrared data and higher-resolution multispectral data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(24), 6459-6471.

        [22].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., 2009, Two improvement schemes of PAN modulation fusion methods for spectral distortion minimization. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(8), 2119-2131.

        [23].Cheng, Q., Jing, L., and Panahi, A., 2006, Principal component analysis with optimum order sample correlation coefficient for image enhancement. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(15-16), 3387-3401.


        [1].趙芝玲,王萍,荊林海,孫彥峰,基于A(yíng)STER數據在植被覆蓋區的遙感鐵礦化蝕變信息提取研究—以山東省蘭陵縣鳳凰山鐵礦為例,長(cháng)江流域資源與環(huán)境,2016, 484:109-115.




        [5].劉慶生, 王志剛, 荊林海, 1999, 巖石實(shí)驗室光譜對應分析. 遙感學(xué)報,3(2),151-156。

        [6].荊林海, 沈遠超, 藺啟忠, 曾慶棟, 鄒為雷, 2001, 膠萊盆地北緣遙感信息的提取和解譯。地質(zhì)與勘探,37(1),1-7。


        3.EI 期刊文章

        [1].李慧,唐韻瑋,劉慶杰,丁海峰,荊林海,2015. 一種改進(jìn)的基于最小生成樹(shù)的遙感影像多尺度分割方法,測繪學(xué)報, 44(7):791-796.

        [2].劉慶杰,荊林海,王欽軍等, 2012. CFFT最優(yōu)信噪比的星載高光譜影像噪聲抑制方法,紅外與激光工程, 41(6):1538-1543.

        4.學(xué)術(shù)會(huì )議文章

        [1].Li, H., Jing, L., Wang, L., and Sun, Z., Semi-automatic mapping of large shallow landslides using high-resolution remote sensing imagery, The Fourth International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications (EORSA 2016),4-6 July 2016, Guangzhou, China.

        [2].Wang, L., Li, H., and Jing, L., A Synthetical Topographic Correction Method for Optical Remote Sensing Imagery. 2016 4th International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications(EORSA 2016), 4-6 July 2016, Guangzhou, China.

        [3].Yan, Q., Li, H., Jing,L., Sun, Z., Ge, W., Ding, H., Tang, Y., and Zhang, K., Research on automatic detection of seismic landslides information, IGARSS 2016, July 10-15, 2016, Beijing, China.

        [4].Zhang, K., Robinson, J., and Jing, L., Canopy vertical parameters estimation using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery, IGARSS 2016, July 10-15, 2016, Beijing, China.

        [5].Zhang, K., Wood, B., Jing, L., and Robinson, J., Identification of Soil Treatment Impact on Douglas Fir from Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery, IGARSS 2016, July 10-15, 2016, Beijing, China.

        [6].Zhao, Z., Wang, P., Jing, L., Tang, Y., Ge, W., Ding, H., and Wang, L., Mineral alteration anomaly extraction for exploration based on remote sensing Aster data: A case study in Cangshan County, Shandong Province, China, IGARSS 2016, July 10-15, 2016, Beijing, China.

        [7].Li, H., Jing, L., Sun, Z., and Wang, L., An improved dark-pixel subtraction method and its application in a pansharpening method taking into account haze, IGARSS 2016, July 10-15, 2016, Beijing, China.

        [8].Li, Y., Liu, Q., Jing, L., and Miao, F., A genetic-optimized multi-angle normalized cross correlation sift for automatic remote sensing registration, IGARSS 2016, July 10-15, 2016, Beijing, China.

        [9].Wang, L., Li, H., Jing, L., and Liu, Q.. A consideration of China-ASEAN cooperation on spatial disaster mitigation. International symposium on Earth Observation for Maritime Silk Road Development, November 25-27, 2015.

        [10].Li, H., Jing, L., Liu, Q., Tang, Y., Ding, H., Sun, Z., and Lin, Q., An image fusion method based on the un-mixing of mixed MS sub-pixels, the peer-reviewed journal paper for the 9th International symposium of the International Society for Earth Science (ISDE 2015), 5–9 October 2015, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

        [11].Xu, R., Jing, L., Li, H., Li, X., Tang, Y., Ding, H., and Liu, Q., A novel image fusion method using auxiliary panchromatic data, 9th International symposium of the International Society for Earth Science (ISDE 2015), 5–9 October 2015, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

        [12].Gao, H., Wang, L., Jing., Li, H., Tang, Y., Liu, Q., and Ding, H., An effective modified water extraction method for Landsat-8 OLI imagery in mountainous plateau regions, 9th International symposium of the International Society for Earth Science (ISDE 2015), 5–9 October 2015, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.[13].Ge, W., Tian, S., Jing, L., Chen, Y, Guo, X., Ding, H., and Liu, Q., Mineral mapping in the west kunlun mountains area using Tiangong-1 hyperspectral imagery, 9th International symposium of the International Society for Earth Science (ISDE 2015), 5–9 October 2015, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

        [14].Liu, Q., Jing, L., Ding, H., Li, H., Tang, Y., Wang, L., and Lin, Q., A tree canopy height delineating method based on morphological opening with reconstruction decomposition, 9th International symposium of the International Society for Earth Science (ISDE 2015), 5–9 October 2015, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

        [15].Tang, Y., Jing, L., Li, H., Liu, Q., and Ding, H., An improved k-NN method based on multiple-point statistics for classification of high-spatial resolution imagery, 9th International symposium of the International Society for Earth Science (ISDE 2015), 5–9 October 2015, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

        [16].Zhang, K., Jing, L., and Robinson, J., Improving hyperspectral imagery automatic segmentation by differential analysis, CSRS 2015, Canada.

        [17].Li, X., Jing, L., Lin, Q., Li, H., Xu, R., Tang, Y., Ding, H., and Liu, Q., A new segmentation method for high resolution remote sensing imagery based on region growing, IARSS 2015, July 26-31, 2015, Italy, Milan.

        [18].Li, H., Jing, L., Tang, Y., Liu, Q., Ding, H. and Chen, Y., assessment of pan-sharpening methods applied to WorldView-2 image fusion, IGARSS 2015, July 26-31, 2015, Italy, Milan.

        [19].Ding, H., Lin, Q., Chen, Y., and Jing, L., A study of the deep mineralization evaluation based on field measured spectra in Wushan-copper deposit area, Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 9263, Jan., 2014.

        [20].Tang, Y., Zhang, J., Li, H., Ding, H., and Jing, L., Terrain data conflation using an improved pattern-based multiple-point geostatistical approach. Proc. SPIE 9263, Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Remote Sensing Technology, Techniques and Applications V, 926304 (November 18, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2068647.

        [21].劉慶杰,荊林海. 基于形態(tài)學(xué)重建的LIDAR樹(shù)冠高度模型描述算法, 第十九屆中國遙感大會(huì )論文集, 2014, 9, 20-23,中國西安.

        [22].丁海峰, 藺啟忠,陳玉,荊林海,王欽軍,劉慶杰,李慧,唐韻瑋,基于地物實(shí)測光譜的巖芯蝕變信息三維建模及分析,第13屆全國數學(xué)地質(zhì)研討會(huì ),徐州, 2014年10月10-12日。

        [23].Tang, Y., Zhang, J., Li, H., Ding, H., and Jing, L., Terrain data conflation using an improved pattern-based multiple-point geostatistical approach, SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing 2014, 13-17 Oct. 2014, Beijing, China.

        [24].Li, H., Tang, Y., Liu, Q., Ding, H., Chen, Y., and Jing, L., A method for scale parameter selection and segments refinement for multi-resolution image segmentation, SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing 2014, 13-17 Oct. 2014, Beijing, China.

        [25].Li, H., Tang, Y., Liu, Q., Ding, H., Jing, L., and Lin, Q., A Novel Multi-Resolution Segmentation Algorithm for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Minimum Spanning Tree and Minimum Heterogeneity Criteria, IGARSS 2014, July 11-15, 2014, Quebec, Canada.

        [26].Jing, L., Li, H., Xu, R., Chen, Y., Liu, Q., Ding, H., Tang, Y., and Lin, Q., A novel image fusion method using DSM and spectral un-mixing of pixels, 5th ISDE Digital Earth Summit, 9-11 November 2014, Nagoya, Japan.

        [27].Tang, Y., Zhang, J., Li, H., Ding, H., Liu, Q., and Jing, L., An improved geostatistical method for digital elevation models conflation. IGARSS 2014, July 11-15, 2014, Quebec, Canada.

        [28].Chen, Y., Wang, Q., Wei, Y., Jing, L., and Tang, Y., Application of information index model in landslide susceptibility mapping on Tonggu Jiangxi Province, China. IGARSS 2014, July 11-15, 2014, Quebec, Canada.

        [29].Zhang, K., Robinson, J., Jing, L., Wilson, B., Leslie, A., and Liu, J., Mapping white bark pine in mountain area from high spatial resolution image, IGARSS 2014, July 11-15, 2014, Quebec, Canada.

        [30].Jing, L., Hu, B., Li, J., Noland, T., and Guo, H., 2013, Automated tree crown delineation from imagery based on morphological techniques, 35th International Symposium o Remote Sensing of Environment, 22-26 April 2013, Beijing.

        [31].Jing, L., Hu, B., Li, H., Li, J., and Noland, T., 2013, Automatic individual tree crown delineation from Lidar data using morphological techniques, 35th International Symposium o Remote Sensing of Environment, 22-26 April 2013, Beijing.

        [32].Jing, L., Hu, B., and Liu, Q., 2013, An effective approach to register Lidar optical data based on individual tree crowns delineated from data, 35th International Symposium of Remote Sensing of Environment, 22-26 April 2013, Beijing. (摘要)

        [33].Li, H., Jing, L., Lin, Q., and Chen, Y., 2013, A new rapid method for earthquake triggered secondary geological hazard information extraction by high-resolution remote sensing image, 35th International Symposium o Remote Sensing of Environment, 22-26 April 2013, Beijing.

        [34].Liu, Q., Jing, L., L. Wang, Liu Q., 2013, A method of particle swarm optimized SVM hyper-spectral remote sensing image classification, 35th International Symposium o Remote Sensing of Environment, 22-26 April 2013, Beijing.

        [35].Lu, L., Li, Q., Jing, L., and Guo, H., 2012, Classification of CBERS-02B high resolution image using morphological features for urban areas, 2012 Second International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications (EORSA),8-11 June 2012, Shanhai, China.

        [36].Li, H. and L. Jing, Application of Remote Sensing Technology in Quartz Mine Prospecting in Southern Shandong Province, China, International Symposium on Earth Observation for Arid and Semi-Arid Environments, 20-22 September 2012, Kashgar, Xinjiang, China.

        [37].Jing, L., Hu, B., Ji, J., and Noland, T., Delineation of individual tree crowns from small footprint, high point density LIDAR data, in Silvilaser 2010, the10th International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing ForestEcosystems, 14-17 Sept. 2010, Freiburg, Germany.

        [38].Li, J., Hu, B., Sohn, G., and Jing, L., Combination of airborne LiDAR and multispectral data for individual tree species identification in nature boreal forests, in Silvilaser 2010, the 10th International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing Forest Ecosystems, 14-17 Sept. 2010, Freiburg, Germany.

        [39].Li, J., Hu, B., Sohn, G., and Jing, L., Individual tree species classification using structure features from high density airborne LiDAR data, in 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2010), 25-30 July 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

        [40].Zhang, W., Hu, B., Jing, L., Woods, M. E., Individual tree delineation using optical Imagery and LiDAR data. In the 30th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, June 22-25, 2009, Lethbridge Alberta Canada.

        [41].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., and Wang, W., A method based on shadow-oriented classification of panchromatic pixels. In 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2008), 6-11 July 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

        [42].Zhang, W., Hu, B., Jing, L., Woods, M. E., and Courville, P., Automatic forest species classification using combined LIDAR data and optical imagery. In 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2008), 6-11 July 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

        [43].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., A fusion method for mixed pixels based on prior type judgment. In 2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2007), 23-27 July 2007, Barcelona, Spain.

        [44].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., A technique based on non-linear transform and multivariate analysis to merge thermal-IR data with higher-resolution multispectral data. In 33rd International Geology Congress (IGC’33), 6-14 August 2008, Oslo, Norway.

        [45].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., A fusion method based on object-oriented classification of panchromatic image. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008 (EGU 2008), 13-18 April 2008, Vienna, Austria (abstract).

        [46].Cheng, Q., and Jing, L., Use of scaling models in remote sensing image fusion and image filtering. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007, 15-20 April 2007, Vienna, Austria (abstract).

        [47].Wang, W., Cheng, Q., and Jing, L., Integration of remote sensing data and geochemical data for mapping mineral potentials in Gejiu mineral district, Yunnan, China. In Proceedings of IAMG’07, Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards (12th conference of International Association for Mathematical Geology), 26-31 August 2007, Beijing, China, pp. 425-428.

        [48].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., An improvement scheme on panchromatic modulation fusion methods for spectral distortion minimization. In Proceedings of IAMG’07, Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards (12th conference of International Association for Mathematical Geology), 26-31 August 2007, Beijing, China, pp. 530-534.

        [49].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., One modified ratio-based image fusion method for spectral distortion minimization. In 2007 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 14-17 May 2007, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

        [50].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., Image fusion based on pixel spectra change vector and multivariate regression of panchromatic and visible-near IR multispectral bands. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2006), July 31- August 4, 2006, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

        [51].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., and Yan, G., Fusing multiple panchromatic and multispectral images using multiple regressions. In Proceedings of IAMG’05, the Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, 21-24 August 2005, Toronto, Canada.

        [52].Jing, L., and Cheng, Q., Merging Landsat TM thermal-IR band with higher-resolution reflective bands. In 2006 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 18-21 May 2006, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

        [53].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., and Chen, M., Merging multispectral and panchromatic images using multiple regressions. In 2005 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 16-19 Feb. 2005, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

        [54].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., and Chen, M., An enhanced principal component substitution fusion method. In 2005 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 16-19 Feb. 2005, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

        [55].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., and Yan, G., An extended intensity-hue-saturation (IHS) fusion method. In 2005 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 16-19 Feb. 2005, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

        [56].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., Yan, G., Chen, M., and Jin, P., Image fusion by simulating ETM+ Pan with bands 2, 3 & 4. In 2004 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 28-31 March 2004, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,

        [57].Jing, L., Cheng, Q., Yan, G., Chen, M., and Jin, P., Use of multi-phase remote sensing data to extract pollutant sources in the drainage basin of Miyun reservoir, Beijing, China. In 2003 GeoTec Event Conference Proceedings, 13-19 March 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

        [58].藺啟忠, 劉素紅, 荊林海,馬建文, The macroscopic effect of remote sensing geoinformation and mineral prospecting. In the 20th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 22-25 Nov. 1999, 中國香港.

        [59].燕守勛,王治剛,藺啟忠,荊林海, 1999, 轉換斷層及其對地質(zhì)找礦的意義. 中國科學(xué)院遙感研究所遙感論文集.

        [60].藺啟忠,王治剛,劉慶生,荊林海,1998. 植被組織的光譜特征及其在遙感地質(zhì)中的應用。98年大連遙感會(huì )議“遙感的前景”論文集, 中國大連.






        [1]. 高分辨率遙感影像面向對象分割系統 v1.0。

        [2]. 高分辨率遙感影像面向對象分類(lèi)系統 v1.0。
